

3D 渐去文字特效 银牌收录


把文本输出到 IMAGE 中,再使其在屏幕上滚动。

在文字向上滚动的同时,相应地压缩每行的像素,并且改变每行的亮度,就实现了 3D 效果。



//	3D 渐去文字
//	编译环境:Visual Studio 2022 | EasyX 20220116
//	作  者:huidong <>
//	最后修改:2022.06.18

#include <easyx.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// 窗口宽高
int nWindowWidth = 1280;
int nWindowHeight = 480;

int font_h = 200;					// 文字高
int font_w = 20;					// 文字宽
short nStartLightness = 255;		// 初始亮度
short nEndLightness = 60;			// 最终亮度
float fEndWidthRatio = (float)0.65;	// 宽度缩放比例
float fEndHeightRatio = (float)0.3;	// 高度缩放比例

int fps = 24;		// 帧率
int nAmount = 2;	// 文字单次位移

// 文本
wchar_t pszText[] =
L"Irish Song\n"
L"The star may dissolve, and the fountain of light\n"
L"May sink intoe'er ending chao's and night,\n"
L"Our mansions must fall and earth vanish away;\n"
L"But thy courage, O Erin! may never decay.\n"
L"See! the wide wasting ruin extends all around,\n"
L"Our ancestors' dwellings lie sunk on the ground,\n"
L"Our foes ride in triumph throughout our domains,\n"
L"And our mightiest horoes streched on the plains.\n"
L"Ah! dead is the harp which was wont to give pleasure,\n"
L"Ah! sunk in our sweet country's rapturous measure,\n"
L"But the war note is weaked, and the clangour of spears,\n"
L"The dread yell of Slogan yet sounds in our ears.\n"
L"Ah! where are the heroes! triumphant in death,\n"
L"Convulsed they recline on the blood-sprinkled heath,\n"
L"Or the yelling ghosts ride on the blast that sweeps by,\n"
L"And my countrymen! vengeance! incessantly cry.\n";

int main()
	initgraph(nWindowWidth, nWindowHeight);

	RECT rct = { 0 };
	settextstyle(font_h, font_w, L"system");
	drawtext(pszText, &rct, DT_CALCRECT);

	IMAGE imgText(rct.right, rct.bottom);
	DWORD* pBufImg = GetImageBuffer(&imgText);
	settextstyle(font_h, font_w, L"system");
	drawtext(pszText, &rct, DT_CENTER);
	DWORD* pBuf = GetImageBuffer();

	// 将文本宽度压缩为窗口宽度
	float fWindowWidthRatio = (float)nWindowWidth / rct.right;


	clock_t t;

	float f_kLightness = (float)(nStartLightness - nEndLightness) / nWindowHeight;
	float f_kWidth = (1 - fEndWidthRatio) / nWindowHeight;
	float f_kHeight = (1 - fEndHeightRatio) / nWindowHeight;

	// 图片输出偏移
	for (int pos = nWindowHeight; pos > -rct.bottom; pos -= nAmount)
		t = clock();

		float y = (float)pos;	// 当前文字像素行映射在屏幕上的坐标
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)(rct.bottom /** fWindowWidthRatio*/); i++)
			y += f_kHeight * y + fEndHeightRatio;

			if (y >= nWindowHeight)
			else if (y < 0)
				i = -pos - 1;
				y = 0;

			short nLightness = (int)(f_kLightness * (int)y) + nEndLightness;
			float fWidthRatio = (f_kWidth * (int)y + fEndWidthRatio) * fWindowWidthRatio;
			int nWidth = (int)(rct.right * fWidthRatio);
			int nHalfWhite = (nWindowWidth - nWidth) / 2;
			for (int j = 0; j < rct.right; j++)
				if (pBufImg[(int)(i /*/ fWindowWidthRatio*/)*rct.right + j] == WHITE)
					//putpixel(nHalfWhite + fWidthRatio * j, y, RGB(nLightness, nLightness, nLightness));
					pBuf[(int)y * nWindowWidth + (int)(nHalfWhite + fWidthRatio * j)] = RGB(nLightness, nLightness, nLightness);


		// 帧率均衡
		int delay = 1000 / fps - (clock() - t);
		if (delay > 0)

	return 0;

评论 (5) -

  • 给我这个入门选手提了不少兴趣😀
    • 随手写的,让你高兴,我也高兴。: )
