使用 devc++ 移植 VS 代码 CommandLineFPS 运行控制台窗口程序 解决微软 _s 后缀函数的移植问题
1.报错 [Error] 'swprintf_s' was not declared in this scope
翻译过来是:第 267 行 114 列的 swprintf_s 在这个范围里没有定义。ctrl +鼠标左键,确实没有弹出新的.h 文件,说明编译器里确实不存在这个函数。
swprintf_s 改为 swprintf。
原因:微软会对部分函数修改,凡是微软修改的部分,都会和原来函数重名,并且多一个 _s 后缀,比如 fscanf_s(),fprintf_s(),scanf_s,printf_s(),都是原来的 fscanf(),fprintf(),scanf(),printf()修改而来。而且有时会强制修改,用原来的函数会报错不安全。这导致 devc++里没有对应的微软 _s 函数的头文件,导致直接复制粘贴不能跑。
2.另一个报错 [Error] cannot convert 'wchar_t*' to 'LPCSTR {aka const char*}' for argument '2' to 'WINBOOL WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(HANDLE, LPCSTR, DWORD, COORD, LPDWORD)'
翻译过来是:不能转换 whcar_t* 到 LPSCTR 来给声明 2。对于'WINBOOL WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(HANDLE, LPCSTR, DWORD, COORD, LPDWORD)'函数
再进一步翻译就是:类型转换错误,wchar_t* 不能转换到声明的第二个参数类型为 LPSCTR 地方。
在 devc++ 里写 HANDLE 这几个字母,然后按住 ctrl +鼠标左键 跳转头文件,发现能跳转到定义 typedef void *HANDLE;
GitHub 上有个叫 ISSUES 的按钮,点击跳转。
翻看,有一条:wchat_t* incompatible with LPCSTR(什么是 LPCTSTR?和 char* 有什么关系 - CodeBus)
点击一看:Use WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW(); instead of WriteConsoleOutputCharacter();
翻译过来就是:WriteConsoleOutputCharacter 改成 WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW,即原函数后面加一个大写的 W
AWSD 移动,其他就没有了。
printf 的 # 字符可以自己修改。
代码详解 [生肉][javidx9] First Person Shooter (C++控制台编写 FPS 的 Demo)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
代码出处 github OneLoneCoder/CommandLineFPS: A First Person Shooter at the command line? Yup... (github.com)
以上来源代码若不能下载,300 行源代码如下,若于 devc++ 使用,还请按如上步骤修改两个地方。开源协议限于篇幅还请寻 GitHub 下载。
OneLoneCoder.com - Command Line First Person Shooter (FPS) Engine
"Why were games not done like this is 1990?" - @Javidx9
Copyright (C) 2018 Javidx9
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; See license for details.
Original works located at:
From Javidx9 :)
Hello! Ultimately I don't care what you use this for. It's intended to be
educational, and perhaps to the oddly minded - a little bit of fun.
Please hack this, change it and use it in any way you see fit. You acknowledge
that I am not responsible for anything bad that happens as a result of
your actions. However this code is protected by GNU GPLv3, see the license in the
github repo. This means you must attribute me if you use it. You can view this
license here: https://github.com/OneLoneCoder/videos/blob/master/LICENSE
Whilst waiting for TheMexicanRunner to start the finale of his NesMania project,
his Twitch stream had a counter counting down for a couple of hours until it started.
With some time on my hands, I thought it might be fun to see what the graphical
capabilities of the console are. Turns out, not very much, but hey, it's nice to think
Wolfenstein could have existed a few years earlier, and in just ~200 lines of code.
READ ME BEFORE RUNNING!!! This program expects the console dimensions to be set to
120 Columns by 40 Rows. I recommend a small font "Consolas" at size 16. You can do this
by running the program, and right clicking on the console title bar, and specifying
the properties. You can also choose to default to them in the future.
Controls: A = Turn Left, D = Turn Right, W = Walk Forwards, S = Walk Backwards
Future Modifications
1) Shade block segments based on angle from player, i.e. less light reflected off
walls at side of player. Walls straight on are brightest.
2) Find an interesting and optimised ray_tracing method. I'm sure one must exist
to more optimally search the map space
3) Add bullets!
4) Add bad guys!
Twitter: @javidx9
Blog: www.onelonecoder.com
Last Updated: 27_02_2017
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
int nScreenWidth = 120; // Console Screen Size X (columns)
int nScreenHeight = 40; // Console Screen Size Y (rows)
int nMapWidth = 16; // World Dimensions
int nMapHeight = 16;
float fPlayerX = 14.7f; // Player Start Position
float fPlayerY = 5.09f;
float fPlayerA = 0.0f; // Player Start Rotation
float fFOV = 3.14159f / 4.0f; // Field of View
float fDepth = 16.0f; // Maximum rendering distance
float fSpeed = 5.0f; // Walking Speed
int main()
// Create Screen Buffer
wchar_t *screen = new wchar_t[nScreenWidth * nScreenHeight];
DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
// Create Map of world space # = wall block, . = space
wstring map;
map += L"#########.......";
map += L"#...............";
map += L"#.......########";
map += L"#..............#";
map += L"#......##......#";
map += L"#......##......#";
map += L"#..............#";
map += L"###............#";
map += L"##.............#";
map += L"#......####..###";
map += L"#......#.......#";
map += L"#......#.......#";
map += L"#..............#";
map += L"#......#########";
map += L"#..............#";
map += L"################";
auto tp1 = chrono::system_clock::now();
auto tp2 = chrono::system_clock::now();
while (1)
// We'll need time differential per frame to calculate modification
// to movement speeds, to ensure consistant movement, as ray-tracing
// is non-deterministic
tp2 = chrono::system_clock::now();
chrono::duration<float> elapsedTime = tp2 - tp1;
tp1 = tp2;
float fElapsedTime = elapsedTime.count();
// Handle CCW Rotation
if (GetAsyncKeyState((unsigned short)'A') & 0x8000)
fPlayerA -= (fSpeed * 0.75f) * fElapsedTime;
// Handle CW Rotation
if (GetAsyncKeyState((unsigned short)'D') & 0x8000)
fPlayerA += (fSpeed * 0.75f) * fElapsedTime;
// Handle Forwards movement & collision
if (GetAsyncKeyState((unsigned short)'W') & 0x8000)
fPlayerX += sinf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
fPlayerY += cosf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
if (map.c_str()[(int)fPlayerX * nMapWidth + (int)fPlayerY] == '#')
fPlayerX -= sinf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
fPlayerY -= cosf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
// Handle backwards movement & collision
if (GetAsyncKeyState((unsigned short)'S') & 0x8000)
fPlayerX -= sinf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
fPlayerY -= cosf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
if (map.c_str()[(int)fPlayerX * nMapWidth + (int)fPlayerY] == '#')
fPlayerX += sinf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
fPlayerY += cosf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
for (int x = 0; x < nScreenWidth; x++)
// For each column, calculate the projected ray angle into world space
float fRayAngle = (fPlayerA - fFOV / 2.0f) + ((float)x / (float)nScreenWidth) * fFOV;
// Find distance to wall
float fStepSize = 0.1f; // Increment size for ray casting, decrease to increase
float fDistanceToWall = 0.0f; // resolution
bool bHitWall = false; // Set when ray hits wall block
bool bBoundary = false; // Set when ray hits boundary between two wall blocks
float fEyeX = sinf(fRayAngle); // Unit vector for ray in player space
float fEyeY = cosf(fRayAngle);
// Incrementally cast ray from player, along ray angle, testing for
// intersection with a block
while (!bHitWall && fDistanceToWall < fDepth)
fDistanceToWall += fStepSize;
int nTestX = (int)(fPlayerX + fEyeX * fDistanceToWall);
int nTestY = (int)(fPlayerY + fEyeY * fDistanceToWall);
// Test if ray is out of bounds
if (nTestX < 0 || nTestX >= nMapWidth || nTestY < 0 || nTestY >= nMapHeight)
bHitWall = true; // Just set distance to maximum depth
fDistanceToWall = fDepth;
// Ray is inbounds so test to see if the ray cell is a wall block
if (map.c_str()[nTestX * nMapWidth + nTestY] == '#')
// Ray has hit wall
bHitWall = true;
// To highlight tile boundaries, cast a ray from each corner
// of the tile, to the player. The more coincident this ray
// is to the rendering ray, the closer we are to a tile
// boundary, which we'll shade to add detail to the walls
vector<pair<float, float>> p;
// Test each corner of hit tile, storing the distance from
// the player, and the calculated dot product of the two rays
for (int tx = 0; tx < 2; tx++)
for (int ty = 0; ty < 2; ty++)
// Angle of corner to eye
float vy = (float)nTestY + ty - fPlayerY;
float vx = (float)nTestX + tx - fPlayerX;
float d = sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
float dot = (fEyeX * vx / d) + (fEyeY * vy / d);
p.push_back(make_pair(d, dot));
// Sort Pairs from closest to farthest
sort(p.begin(), p.end(), [](const pair<float, float> &left, const pair<float, float> &right) {return left.first < right.first; });
// First two/three are closest (we will never see all four)
float fBound = 0.01;
if (acos(p.at(0).second) < fBound) bBoundary = true;
if (acos(p.at(1).second) < fBound) bBoundary = true;
if (acos(p.at(2).second) < fBound) bBoundary = true;
// Calculate distance to ceiling and floor
int nCeiling = (float)(nScreenHeight / 2.0) - nScreenHeight / ((float)fDistanceToWall);
int nFloor = nScreenHeight - nCeiling;
// Shader walls based on distance
short nShade = ' ';
if (fDistanceToWall <= fDepth / 4.0f) nShade = 0x2588; // Very close
else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth / 3.0f) nShade = 0x2593;
else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth / 2.0f) nShade = 0x2592;
else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth) nShade = 0x2591;
else nShade = ' '; // Too far away
if (bBoundary) nShade = ' '; // Black it out
for (int y = 0; y < nScreenHeight; y++)
// Each Row
if(y <= nCeiling)
screen[y * nScreenWidth + x] = ' ';
else if(y > nCeiling && y <= nFloor)
screen[y * nScreenWidth + x] = nShade;
else // Floor
// Shade floor based on distance
float b = 1.0f - (((float)y -nScreenHeight / 2.0f) / ((float)nScreenHeight / 2.0f));
if (b < 0.25) nShade = '#';
else if (b < 0.5) nShade = 'x';
else if (b < 0.75) nShade = '.';
else if (b < 0.9) nShade = '-';
else nShade = ' ';
screen[y * nScreenWidth + x] = nShade;
// Display Stats
swprintf_s(screen, 40, L"X=%3.2f, Y=%3.2f, A=%3.2f FPS=%3.2f ", fPlayerX, fPlayerY, fPlayerA, 1.0f / fElapsedTime);
// Display Map
for (int nx = 0; nx < nMapWidth; nx++)
for (int ny = 0; ny < nMapWidth; ny++)
screen[(ny + 1) * nScreenWidth + nx] = map[ny * nMapWidth + nx];
screen[((int)fPlayerX + 1) * nScreenWidth + (int)fPlayerY] = 'P';
// Display Frame
screen[nScreenWidth * nScreenHeight - 1] = '\0';
WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole, screen, nScreenWidth * nScreenHeight, { 0, 0 }, &dwBytesWritten);
return 0;
// That's It!! - Jx9